( Macédoine)

/Ushti ushti, baba,
O davulja maren,
O davulja maren, baba,
Me phenjake aven. / x2
Wake up, wake up, father,
The drum is beating,
The drum is beating.
They're coming for my sister.
/Me phenjake aven,
E najsukarjakje,
E najsukarjakje, baba,
E najtiknorjakje. / x2
They're coming for my sister,
The most beautiful one,
The most beautiful one, father,
The smallest one.
/Ushti baba, usti,
O cheizi ikal,
O cheizi ikal, baba,
E najtiknorjakje. / x2
Wake up, wake up, father,
The dowry is being taken out,
The dowry is being taken out,
The smallest one.
/Ushti ushti, baba,
O davulja maren,
O davulja maren, baba,
Me phenjake aven. / x2
Wake up, wake up, father,
The drum is beating,
The drum is beating,
They're coming for my sister.

A Macedonian Rom song about the moment during wedding ceremony when the bride's dowry, the cheiz, is brought out of her house. It can accompany the Rom dance Cocek.